
Vocabulary MOD APK (Premium Unlocked) 4.65.1

도레자료실 2024. 10. 10. 10:49

다운로드는 하단의 링크에서 다운하시면됩니다.

* 안될시 꼭 메일이나 댓글 달아주시면 빠른 시일내에 수정하도록 하겠습니다.










Vocabulary APK mod is one of the most popular vocabulary learning applications today for users who want to become fluent in a new language, English. This application provides users with a vast treasure with a full range of different vocabulary topics; each vocabulary word will be analyzed in detail to help users get an overview and insight. Best. Vocabulary’s learning method is almost the same as flashcards, but with a new and much more beautiful style so that it can arouse curiosity and stimulate the inquisitive spirit of the user. Also, during the user experience, users can optionally change the background image and font of the Vocabulary to make their learning more enjoyable.

Vocabulary topics are available in a wide variety of topics

Vocabulary APK 4.65.1 has many different vocabulary topics available for users, such as Tech & Science, Food, Travel, Culture & Society, Health & Wellness, Human Body, and People. All Vocabulary will be analyzed thoroughly so that users can understand the essence of the problem, making it easier to memorize Vocabulary. The user’s task is to choose his favorite topic and start learning new words. During the learning process, if a word attracts extraordinary attention from the user, you can add it to the favorites list to find it quickly whenever needed. In addition to the available Vocabulary, Vocabulary also allows users to add new Vocabulary to the application to enrich the vocabulary store; users will completely control their learning style.

A new method of learning vocabulary

Unlike other apps, Vocabulary MOD APK has a relatively new way of learning Vocabulary. After users decide on a topic they want to learn, the words will take turns appearing randomly on the homepage. Completely out of order and unpredictable as to what the next word will be, a relatively exciting learning method capable of piquing the user’s curiosity. Each word, when appearing, will be accompanied by IPA transcription, word type, word meaning explained in an easy-to-understand way in English, and finally, an example sentence. Also, don’t forget to click on the speaker icon below the vocabulary word to learn how to read and practice pronunciation, dear users. Vocabulary also encourages users to add widgets to the device’s home screen, so every time you turn on the device, you will learn a new word every time.

Change the wallpaper the way the user wants

Vocabulary owns a minimalist and neat design as possible to make the words stand out and easily catch the user’s eye. Although the layout cannot be changed, this application allows users to personalize the background and font of the Vocabulary according to their personal preferences. The theme of the wallpaper is also very diverse, ranging from animation to still images. Some typical background topics include Books, Abstracts, Photography, Nature, Plain, and Illustration. Each theme will include many different images for users to choose freely; the remarkable thing is that the font will automatically change based on the background image that the user applies. Changing the wallpaper and font is also a way to inspire learning for users, so feel free to choose your favorite wallpaper and font to create an ideal study space.

Download Vocabulary Mod to experience vocabulary learning with a new artistic method that brings unexpected


당신의 언어 능력을 높일 준비가 되셨나요? 어휘력을 성공적으로 확장하는 열쇠는 주의를 자극하는 방식으로 새로운 단어를 배우는 것입니다. 연구에 따르면 새로운 단어를 배우는 가장 효과적인 방법은 이를 위해 특별히 설계된 앱을 사용하는 것입니다.

Vocabulary 앱을 사용하면 다음을 수행할 수 있습니다.

- 최소한의 시간 투자로 휴대폰을 스크롤하면서 새로운 단어를 배울 수 있습니다.
- 현재 영어 실력을 바탕으로 자신만의 난이도를 선택하세요.
- 귀하의 필요와 관심에 가장 적합한 어휘 카테고리를 선택하십시오.
- 손끝에서 올바른 단어를 사용하여 더욱 간결하고 자신 있게 말하고 쓸 수 있습니다.
- 자신의 속도에 맞춰 언어 목표를 달성하세요.
- 앱 기능을 사용자 정의하고 나에게 맞게 작동시키세요.

Vocabulary 앱은 새로운 단어를 학습하고 유지하는 것을 친구와 동료를 놀라게 할 수 있는 재미있는 활동으로 바꿔줍니다.
আপনার শব্দ শক্তি উন্নত করতে প্রস্তুত? আপনার শব্দভাণ্ডার সফলভাবে প্রসারিত করার চাবিকাঠি হল নতুন শব্দ এমনভাবে শেখা যা আপনার মনোযোগকে উদ্দীপিত করে। অধ্যয়নগুলি দেখায় যে নতুন শব্দ শেখার সবচেয়ে কার্যকর উপায় হল একটি অ্যাপ যা বিশেষভাবে এর জন্য ডিজাইন করা হয়েছে।

শব্দভান্ডার অ্যাপের মাধ্যমে, আপনি করতে পারেন:

- ন্যূনতম সময় বিনিয়োগের সাথে নতুন শব্দ শিখুন, কেবল আপনার ফোনের মাধ্যমে স্ক্রোল করুন
- আপনার বর্তমান ইংরেজি ভাষার দক্ষতার উপর ভিত্তি করে আপনার নিজের অসুবিধার স্তর চয়ন করুন
- আপনার চাহিদা এবং আগ্রহের সাথে সবচেয়ে উপযুক্ত শব্দভান্ডার বিভাগ নির্বাচন করুন
- আপনার নখদর্পণে সঠিক শব্দ সহ আরও সংক্ষিপ্তভাবে এবং আত্মবিশ্বাসের সাথে কথা বলুন এবং লিখুন
- আপনার নিজস্ব গতিতে আপনার ভাষাগত লক্ষ্যগুলি পূরণ করুন
- অ্যাপের বৈশিষ্ট্যগুলি কাস্টমাইজ করুন এবং এটি আপনার জন্য কার্যকর করুন৷

ভোকাবুলারি অ্যাপটি নতুন শব্দ শেখা এবং ধরে রাখাকে একটি মজার কার্যকলাপে পরিণত করবে যা আপনাকে আপনার বন্ধু এবং সহকর্মীদের "বাহ" করার অনুমতি দেবে।



Premium Unlocked












파일 다운로드 링크 생성이 시작됩니다.

다운로드 링크가 나타납니다.







안녕하세요 도레의 리뷰월드입니다. 저의 블로그를 찾아주신 모든 분들 감사드립니다.

게임을 좋아하는 모든이들을 블로그, 가장 최신의 자료를 제공 할 수 있도록 노력하겠습니다.

아직 타 사이트 만큼 자료는 없지만 가장 빠르게, 가장 폭넓게 자료를 업데이트하려 노력하겠습니다.


저는 타 리뷰도 하지만, 게임리뷰나 게임 관련된 내용, 또는 모드에 대해 중점적으로 업데이트하려고 합니다.
여러분들이 가져주시는 관심만큼 열심히 피드백으로 보답하겠습니다


저의 블로그 자료실은 게임 모드 및 유료어플을 위한 공간입니다. 업데이트 자료 확인을 위해 구독이나, 하루 한번 방문을 하여 확인 해주시거나 댓글을 남겨 주시면 감사하겠습니다.


또한 자료는 항상 검수해서 올리기때문에 안전하고 검증된 파일만을 제공하고 있습니다.


*OBB자료가 포함된 파일을 꼭 OBB파일 설치가이드를 참고 하시어 사용해주세요. 모드가 작동하지 않을 수 있습니다.

그만큼 더욱 열심히 하겠습니다.

그리고 아래에도 말씀드렸지만, 과도한 모드의 사용은 게임의 재미를 해칠뿐더러, 계정 일시정지, 영구정지등
피해를 보실 수 있으니 적당히 사용해주시면 감사하겠습니다. ^^







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※주의 : OBB파일이 포함되어 있는 링크는 꼭 OBB파일을 설치해주세요 제대로 작동되지 않을 수 있습니다.






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